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Dayeinu: If We Speak Truthfully

From singing Dayeinu we learn to celebrate each landmark on our people’s journey. Yet we must never confuse these way stations with the redemptive destination. Because there is still so much to do in our work of repairing the world.

If we speak truthfully about the pain, joys, and contradictions in our lives,

If we listen to others with sensitivity and compassion,

If we challenge the absence of women in traditional texts, chronicles of Jewish history, and in the leadership of our institutions, dayeinu,

If we continue to organize, march, and vote to affirm our values,

If we fight economic injustice, sexism, racism, and homophobia,

If we volunteer our time and money, dayeinu,

If we break the silence about violence against women and children in the Jewish community and everwhere,

If we teach our students and children to pursue justice with all their strength,

If we care for the earth and its future as responsibly as we care for those we love,

If we create art, music, dance, and literature, dayeinu,

If we realize our power to effect change,

If we bring holiness into our lives, homes, and communities,

If we honor our visions more than our fears, dayeinu v’lo dayeinu,

It will and it will not be enough.

The Journey Continues: The Ma’yan Haggadah can be purchased for $12 + $4 s/h by emailing Ma’yan,

From The Journey Continues: The Ma’yan Haggadah, copyright 2000, Ma’yan


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