If we were to free the Jewish people,
but not to beat the swords of every nation into plowshares,
It would not be enough for us.
If we were to beat the swords of every nation into plowshares,
but not to free our earth and air of poisons,
It would not be enough for us.
If we were to free our earth and air of poisons,
but not to share our food and end all hunger,
It would not be enough for us.
If we were to share our food and end all hunger,
but not to free the poets from their prisons,
It would not be enough for us.
If we were to free the poets from their prisons,
but not to free all women, men, and children to be persons,
It would not be enough for us.
If we were to free all humans to be persons,
but not free ourselves to know You,
It would not be enough for us.
Then how great, doubled and redoubled, are the claims the Redeemer makes upon our efforts! You call us to struggle, work, share, give, think, plan, organize, sit-in, speak out, dream, hope, and pray for the great Redemption!
Copyright (c) 1969, 1986, 2002 by Arthur Waskow. Archived and made available by the author’s permission, on condition this note is attached and a copy of any Haggadah that uses it is sent to him at The Shalom Center, 6711 Lincoln Drive, Philadelphia PA 19119. See also the Shalom Center website at www.shalomctr.org.