These values are taken from the Ribbono Shel Olam prayer at the end of the traditional Brit Milah/covenenting ceremony for a new child, with some progressive/expansive definitions. Parents can use these values to craft blessings for their child, or can be given to community members as a guide for them to share blessings during a Brit Milah/covenenting ceremony.
Hashuv: Feel important, prioritized
Merutzeh: Wanted, cherished
Mekubal: Accepted, welcomed
Hikravtihu: Intimacy, relationshipÂ
Rakhamekha: Merciful, compassionate, patient, empathy
Kedushah: Sacred, intentionalÂ
Tehorah: Pure, elevated
Patu’akh: Open, vulnerableÂ
Lilmod: Learn, curiosity
Le’lamed: Teach, share
Lishmor: Guard, protect
La’asot: Manifest, actionÂ
Arikhut Yamim: Longevity, health
Yirat Het: Moral/ethical core
Osher: Richness, sustenanceÂ
Kavod: Honor, respect
Timaleh Mishalot Libo: Dreaming, aspiration, passionÂ
Tovah: Goodness, kindness