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Before the Split

Rustic wooden bridge leading into a forest with tall, bare trees in the background.
Let us play at the borders of love
a pebbles throw away from
               dropping into
        ponds of widening circles
embracing more than tears of gratitude
Let us dance at the borders of time
where stick grows back into olive branch
where stone   skips      gaily
miraculously sailing through sky
three times
till rock and sea merge
surrendering into what they are not
Let us pray at the borders of hope
where all is possible
where seas can split
and us/them will fall laughing into the water
and dry land can offer rites of passage
and a safe way home
Let us sing together at the rivers of trust
and remember that sea and land
fire and sky
all can change
all can transpose
as we open our mouths and let the sound travel to distant ears
as we open our eyes and let the beauty in
till eyes reflect faces smiling with the wonder of other
May we walk bravely into the sea of fear
knowing the sea will part when and only when we enter up to our nose
And then and only then will we walk the path to the other side
Such a narrow bridge!
Encountering the Other entering from the other side, we have no choice but to embrace
or maybe
hugging tight we both topple into the water

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