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Avinu Malkeinu: Our Parent, Our Sovereign

a throne with red cushions and ornate gold trim
אָבִינוּ מַלְכֵּנוּ חָנְנוּ וַעֲנֵנוּ כִּי אֵין בָּנוּ מַעֲשִׂים עֲשֵׂה עִמָּנוּ צְדָקָה וָחֶסֶד וְהוֹשִׁיעֵנוּ
Avinu Malkeynu honeinu va’aneinu ki eyn banu ma’asim asei imanu tzedakah vakhesed vehoshieynu.
Our Father, our King, teach us how to make this year a new beginning.
Our Mother, our Queen, teach us how to grow from the harshness of life.
Our Source and our Destiny, teach us how to accept what we must accept.
Our Guide and our Truth, teach us to change what must be changed.
Our Father, our King, teach us how to face disease and death.
Our Mother, our Queen, teach us how to enjoy the gifts of life.
Our Source and our Destiny, teach us how to make peace with our enemies.
Our Guide and our Truth, teach us how we can best help our people, Israel.
Our Father, our King, teach us how we can best help all humanity.
Our Mother, our Queen, let us find pardon for our wrongdoings.
Our Source and our Destiny, let us return to You, wholly and completely.
Our Guide and our Truth, teach us how to help those who are ill.
Our Father, our King, let us write our names in the Book of Life.
Our Mother, our Queen, help us to find meaningful work.
Our Source and our Destiny, help us to find inner freedom.
Our Guide and our Truth, help us to learn how to love.
Our Father, our King, receive our prayers.
Our Mother, our Queen, teach us how to be good lovers.
Our Source and our Destiny, teach us how to be good parents.
Our Guide and our Truth, teach us how to be good children.
Our Father, our King, teach us how to be good friends.
Our Mother, our Queen, teach us how to be good Jews.
Our Source and our Destiny, teach us how to be good people.
Our Guide and our Truth, teach us how to be one with Your universe.
Avinu malkeinu (3) honeinu va’aneinu ki ein banu ma’asim
Aseh imanu tzedakah vakhesed (2) Vehoshi’einu
Avinu malkeinu (3), grant us justice and bring us salvation,
Grant us justice and loving kindness (2) and bring us salvation.


From the Yamim Noraim supplement of Congregation Mishkan Shalom, Philadelphia.


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