Barukh Atah Adonay Eloheynu melekh ha’olam, asher yatzar et ha’adam behohmah uvara vo nekavim nekavim khalulim khalulim.
Galuwi veyadu’a lifney khisey khevodeha she’im yisatem ekhad mehem o’ im yifate’akh ekhad mehem i efshar lehitkayem vela’amod lefanekha.
Barukh Atah Adonay, rofey khol basar umafli la’asot.
Blessed are you, THE ARCHITECT, our God, the sovereign of all worlds, who shaped the human being with wisdom, making for us all the openings and vessels of the body.
It is revealed and known before your Throne of Glory that if one of these passage-ways be open when it should be closed, or blocked up when it should be free, one could not stay alive or stand before you.
Blessed are you, MIRACULOUS, the wondrous healer of all flesh.