You are my neshamah, the Eternal Flame of my heart,
I sit here, my mouth open wide in preparation of speaking Your praise.
Blessed are you, the One who was in relationship with my mothers and fathers.
I am filled with awe as I draw closer to Your Majesty.
Each droplet of rain, each sparkle of the evening stars, reminds me of You –
My Infinite judge.
With my breath I pray to You, Oh Adonai –
See me favorably as you did with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
Cherish my contributions as you did with Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah,
Trust in my strength as you did with Shifrah and Puah –
As they delivered the deliverer who was slow with tongue as I am this evening/morning.
Grant me the wisdom to lead with conviction like my mothers Miriam and Deborah,
Or as I find myself like Joseph in disputes with my brothers and sisters.
You are showing me Your path, my Eternal Flame –
Together We will walk,
Onward toward holiness.Â