This is a special healing-themed Amidah for the Month of Iyyar. According to Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav, the name Iyyar אייר is an acronym for אני יי רופאך, “I am Adonai your healer,” and so it is a special month in which we can find healing and wholeness.
An Amidah for Healing: For Rosh Hodesh Iyyar
1. Avot V’Imahot/Ancestors
God of our Ancestors, as You performed acts of love and deliverance for our ancestors, love us and help us to seek out deliverance from the mitzraim, the narrow places, that constrict and hold us back.
ברוך אתה יי מגן אברהם ועזרת שרה
2. Gevurot/Mighty Acts
Spirit of Life, You sustain the living and revive the dead. Grant us a full revival from the physical, emotional and spiritual deaths that keep us from living. May we find healing and wholeness through living.
ברוך אתה יי מחיה המתים
3. Kedushat HaShem/Holiness of God’s name
Holy Ineffable One, You are holy and Your name is Holy, yet we continue to commit atrocities in Your name. Give us the strength and courage to heal these wounds and to commit acts of goodness in Your name.
ברוך אתה יי האל הקדוש
4. Binah/Knowledge
Knower-of-All, grant us the wisdom and understanding to discern between good and bad, indifference and love, and hurt and healing. May we heal Your world through goodness and love.
ברוך אתה יי חונן הדעת
5. Teshuvah/Return
Source of Return, help us to draw nearer to You and to Your Torah so that we might use our tradition in Your service as a source of light and healing in Your world.
ברוך אתה יי הרוצה בתשובה
6. Slikhah/Forgiveness
Gracious Forgiver, forgive us for the sins we have committed against You, pardon us for the transgressions we have committed against others and the wounds we have inflicted upon ourselves. Be gracious to us and help us to forgive others and ourselves, for we know that we cannot fully heal without forgiveness.
ברוך אתה יי המרבה לסלוח
7. Geulah/Redemption
Redeemer of Israel, take note of our afflictions, of our pain, of our strife. Be with us as we face our battles and help us to overcome the difficulties that befall us.
ברוך אתה יי גואל ישראל
8. Refuah/Healing
Divine Healer, this broken world faces too much pain, too much sadness, too many wounds. Heal us, and save us, so that we may be a source of healing, comfort and redemption in Your world. Grant a refuah shleimah, a complete and whole healing to every illness, wound and pain and restore wholeness to Your broken world again.
ברוך אתה יי רופא החולים
9. Birkat HaShanim/Blessing for Sustenance
Creator of All, bless this year and this earth and all its produce for good. We have taken the earth for granted and inflicted the greatest pain upon her. Grant us blessing so that we may be good to the earth again.
ברוך אתה יי מברך השנים
10. Heirut/Freedom
Bringer of Freedom, sound the great shofar for our freedom and the liberation of all peoples who are enslaved, isolated and rejected. Blast the great shofar to call us to action, for we know that none of us is free until we all are. Gather us together on the wings of freedom to heal as one.
ברוך אתה יי פודה עשוקים
11. Mishpat/Justice
True Judge, restore our judgment. As You rule over us with justice and righteousness, help us to treat others with compassion, loving-kindness, dignity and justice.
ברוך אתה יי אוהב צדקה ומשפט
12. Al HaResha/Wickedness
Adonai Tzevaot, help us to transform our wickedness into kindness, our bad words into constructive deeds, our hatred into love. May we build a healed world from kindness, love, and action.
ברוך אתה יי שובר רשעות מן הארץ
13. Tzadikim/The Righteous
Adonai Ro’i, Shepherd of Israel, toward the seekers-of-good, the pious, those who trust in You and towards us all may You bestow compassion and blessing. Guide us all toward righteousness and support us on the path to goodness and healing.
ברוך אתה יי משען ומבטח לצדיקים
14. Yerushalayim/Jerusalem
Eternal Presence, your city, once whole, now rests broken. Return Your presence to this earthly Jerusalem and may we, Your partners in creation, return our kindness and compassion to Your city. Together, may we build a heavenly Jerusalem, and make the city whole, shalem, again.
ברוך אתה יי נותן שלום בירושלים
15. Yeshu’a/Salvation
El Shaddai, She who Suffices, plant within us a love of truth, a desire for justice and an eternal pursuit of redemption. We will not wait passively for salvation to come but will play our part in working toward a redeemed, peaceful and whole world.
ברוך אתה יי מצמיח קרן ישועה
16. Shomea tefilah/Hear our Prayer
Attentive Listener, hear our voices as we cry out to You, take note of our prayers as we reach for You. Help us hear Your voice on our paths to healing.
ברוך אתה יי שומע תפילה
17. Avodah/Service
Infinite One, be satisfied with our prayers and our deeds, but cause us to remain dissatisfied so that we hunger to do more and thirst to do better. May our words and our actions always be in Your service and may we live to see Your presence return to Zion and to our world.
ברוך אתה יי המחזיר שכינתו לציון
18. Hoda’ah/Gratitude
God of wombs, Compassionate One, to You we give thanks for our lives and for our souls. To You we give thanks for the goodness we encounter in every moment and the small miracles that give us hope and bring us healing in every day. As we live, we shall acknowledge You and give thanks for this goodness. May we, created in Your image, always be a source of goodness and healing for others.
ברוך אתה יי הטוב שמך ולך נאה להודות
19. Shalom/Peace
Maker of Peace, grant eternal and abounding peace to us and to all who dwell on Your earth. May all those at war, broken and in pain be blessed with refuah shleimah, a complete, wholesome and peaceful healing.
ברוך אתה יי המברך את עמו ישראל בשלום