Dedicated to all Palestinians and Israelis as well as the hearts and souls of all Jews and Muslims, to the intention of individual and collective healing and liberation
“Until we are all free, none of us are free.” Emma Lazarus (1849-1887)
Acheinu kol beit yisrael, kol beit yishmael,
han’tunim b’tzara uvashivyah, haomdim bein bayam uvein bayabasha.
Hamakom y’racheim aleihem v’yotziem mitzara lirvacha, umi’afaila l’orah umishibud lig’ulah, hashta ba’agala uvizman kariv.*
For our selves, siblings, and cousins,
the broken, healed, and whole houses
of Yisrael and Yishmael
who are not yet free
whether we dwell in the sand or on the sea:
May the Sacred Ever-and-Omnipresence
swaddle us with Love’s sweet Essence,
cradle us with compassion and care,
weave us into the intention of this prayer,
hold us in the peaceful, soft, and safe Divine Dark,
heal us each and collectively,
body, mind, spirit and heart.
May the Holy Oneness hold us in the Light
so we may gaze upon the Sacred in each other’s eyes.
May this blessing meet us wherever we,
without expiration.
May we all be guided swiftly
from constriction to liberation.
*Hebrew adapted from Machzor Vitry, 11th century