O Holy One
we say that on the first day
You created light
but it was only on day four
that You created the sun
and we say
that all the Jews who ever were
and ever will be
were standing together at Sinai
right after the exodus and down through time
O maker of primal light that can only be felt
and causal light that eyes can see
thank You for inspiring those among us
to create a technology
that can bring us all together
as You did at Sinai
For Zoom
is a heavenly mystery
and now for the first time
in all of human history
we have a window into how it is
that You can see and feel and hear
and be with each and every one of us
at exactly the same time
in all of our different places
O Wholly One
thank you for this gift of community
may we use it wisely and well
as You
and the wise generous members
of the tribe of Tech
hold us together
in a great and possible
of peace