At Sukkot, our shaking of the lulav can become perfunctory. This is a tikkun to add meaning. It can be read in sections, before shaking in each of the indicated directions, or if you shake the lulav during Hallel, it can be read in its entirety before beginning the Psalm.
We shake the lulav first toward the east, the direction of our roots and the source of our most sacred texts.
May they always teach and sustain us.
We shake the lulav toward the south to recognize the importance of the wilderness in forming us into a people.
May we always remain one people.
We shake the lulav to the west, where we learned to adapt and grow.
May we always be ready to embrace change.
We shake the lulav to the north, which represents the adversities that are part of our lives.
May we always help one another in times of trouble.
We shake the lulav to the sky, from which come the sun and rain, without which we could not survive.
May we always care for the planet on which we live.
We shake the lulav toward the earth, which provides all else that we need.
Source of all life, as we shake the lulav, teach us to love and honor all that you have created.