There are stories about angels all through our history, and prayers about them too, from the Shabbat welcoming prayer “Shalom Aleichem” to the prayer that’s part of the bedtime Shema that welcomes in the angels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel. When I was a little boy and spent the night with my father’s parents, my Orthodox grandmother Rose would say this prayer for and around me, which in English goes:
In the name of YHWH, the God of Israel
Michael at my right,
Gabriel at my left,
Uriel before me,
Raphael behind me,
and above my head the Shekhinah of God.
In 1982 I was on the floor of my bedroom in Brooklyn, New York meditating, across from a black Tibetan Buddha sitting between my Turkish Sephardi ancestors’ brass Shabbat candlesticks – when an angel appeared before me and began to teach me how to connect and communicate with it. That encounter changed my life, and led to my coauthoring Ask Your Angels and my own book Angel Answers. Angels have been a part of my life ever since, and it was an angel who invited us to revise our bedtime angel prayer for living in a new era in our history.
The angels told me that the first era of Jewish history ended with the destruction of the second temple, and that the Holocaust and the foundation of the state of Israel were part of the end of the second era and the beginning of the third. With the nightmare happening in the Middle East, and with climate change increasing all around us, the angels told me that it’s time for us to shift our awareness of the angels who support and guide us.
In the original version of this prayer it was Michael the angel of protection who accompanied us, along with Gabriel the angel of strength, Uriel the angel of illumination, and Raphael the angel of healing. As we journey into a new era, the energies around and for us are changing, and we are invited to invoke Zadkiel, the angel of joy, as part of our work of global healing and transformation.
Below is the prayer, invocation, meditation that I have been invited to share with you:
In the name of YHWH, the God of Israel
Gabriel at my left,
Zadkiel before me,
Raphael at my right,
Uriel behind me,
and above my head the Shekhinah of God.
As a bedtime meditation, when you are lying in bed, the angels invite us to feel their energies circling around us, and to breathe them, into our mind and body and into all of our billions of cells, which is a different pattern than the way we invoked them in the original prayer.
Feel the Presence of the Eternal all around you
Feel to your left the presence of Gabriel, the angel of, the energy of, strength
Feel in front of you the presence of Zadkiel, the angel of, the energy of, joy
Feel to your right the presence of Raphael, the angel of, the energy of, healing
Feel behind you the presence of Uriel, the angel of, the energy of, illumination
And feel above you the presence of, the energy of, the Shekhinah.
In addition to doing this at bedtime, you can do this meditation all through the day. The angels invite us to do it standing and facing Jerusalem, and to do it facing the place that we were born in.