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Prayer for these Holy Days

red apples and green leaves hanging on a tree
Holy One, grant that we use these days of return and reconciliation to examine, become aware, and own all that we discover of this past year – both the Destructive and sinful, as well as productive and generative.
May these days of renewal and improvement be for sanctification of Your Name– tap the integrity and pride in who we are and to bring strength and dedication to this coming year.
May we enrich our lives, our relationships, and our days for higher good, for Tikkun Olam, and healing.
May we come to the Days of Awe purer and more expanded, touch the sparks of ‘Noraim,’ Awesomeness, ready to ‘return’ to you, those we love, and to our better selves.

May peace reign within our hearts, within our relationships, and within the world.


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