G-d of the survivor,
G-d of the mourner and the witness,
Grant solace and peace to those still held by physical, emotional
and spiritual distress from the attacks of 9/11. Release them
from visions of death and destruction, from guilt or shame, from
fear or anger. Bind their wounds with Your steadfast love. Lift
them on Your wings of kindness and grace.
G-d of the mourner and the witness,
Grant solace and peace to those still held by physical, emotional
and spiritual distress from the attacks of 9/11. Release them
from visions of death and destruction, from guilt or shame, from
fear or anger. Bind their wounds with Your steadfast love. Lift
them on Your wings of kindness and grace.
Blessed are those who have found peace.
Blessed are those without tranquility.
Blessed are those without tranquility.
Blessed are those who speak.
Blessed are those who stay silent.
Blessed are those who stay silent.
Blessed are those who have healed.
Blessed are those who suffer.
Blessed are those who suffer.
Blessed are those who forgive.
Blessed are those who cannot forgive.
Blessed are those who cannot forgive.
Blessed are You, Adonai our G-d, Source of strength for survivors of violence and tragedy in every land and in every age. Blessed are You, Rock of Israel, Source of hope and comfort.
© 2011 Alden Solovy and tobendlight.com. All rights reserved.