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Yotzer Or

a field of wildflowers

“Blessed is the Darkness in the Light, / Blessed is the Light in the Darkness…”

Olive Tree

Two green olives hanging on a branch with elongated leaves, against a blurred green background.

“An old olive tree stands in a grove, verdant, stately and strong…”

Oct 7th Chayalot

Stone stairway leading up a dry, rocky hill to a small building under a clear blue sky.

“May there never be another October 7th because men in high places, with loud voices, did not hear, did not listen…”

Joy of Purim

Two people examine a large open book with colorful illustrations and Hebrew text, pointing at different sections.

“And every year we lift our voice
To celebrate, to laugh, and to rejoice!”

The Reconstructionist Network

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Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

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