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Light the World: Dancing in Community for Hanukkah

Facilitator: Janice Steinberg

Program Type: Free, Standalone session

Topic: Art, Poetry, Spiritual practice


We'll kindle our unique candles to music by Jewish singers and composers, followed by prompts for reflection and writing.


Writing Poetry in the Shadow of War

Facilitator: Lynn Levin

Program Type: Free, Standalone session

Topic: Holocaust, Israel-Hamas war, Poetry


At all times but especially in a time of war and grief, we need literature to remind us of what it means to be human, what justice demands, where our struggles and conflicts, our strengths and hopes reside. In this free Ritualwell event, we will see how other poets have responded to disasters and conflicts Jews have faced and are facing.


Holding Each Other

Facilitator: Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer

Program Type: Event, Free

Topic: Art, Liturgy, Poetry, Spiritual practice


We’re all holding many emotions and concerns that change day by day, hour by hour. Poetry, prayer and creative expression can bring comfort and provide us with support.


The Golden Shovel: Digging in Text for New Meaning

Facilitator: Tzivia Gover

Program Type: Free

Topic: creative writing, dreams, Poetry, Torah


Join us to use poetic forms and techniques to bypass the logical brain and discover new levels of meaning and insight in verses from the Torah.


Disability Wisdom and Knowing Ourselves Whole

Facilitator: Rabbi Julia Watts Belser

Program Type: Free

Topic: accessibility, disability, inclusion, JDAIM


In recognition of Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month and our ongoing commitment to disability inclusion and advocacy, Rabbi Julia will lead us in interactive text study with a spiritual focus.


This is My Jewish Heart

Facilitator: Corie Feiner

Program Type: Free

Topic: Poetry, spirituality, Torah


Join us for this free event featuring a guided poetry writing exercise about the stories of our hearts and making our way from a narrow place of anxiety and pain towards inner and outer liberation.


Moses, A Stranger Among Us: A Conversation with Rabbi Maurice Harris

Facilitator: Maurice Harris

Program Type: Free

Topic: Moses, Passover, Testament: the Story of Moses


Join Rabbi Maurice Harris, seen most recently on Netflix's new docudrama series, 'Testament: The Story of Moses' for a conversation about this complex prophet.


Climate Emotions and the Wisdom Our Bodies Carry

Facilitator: Ora Nitkin-Kaner

Program Type: Free

Topic: climate change, climate crisis, climate emotion


Join us for a trauma-informed workshop to deepen our awareness of climate emotion and how they show up in our hearts and bodies. We will learn how our reactions to climate change may be shaped by our ancestors’ experiences, and expand our capacity for ease, connection, and action in this moment.


Advot End-of-Year Celebration and Poetry Reading

Facilitator: Ritualwell

Program Type: ADVOT, Event, Free

Topic: creative writing, Poetry, spirituality


Celebrate our ADVOT community of Jewish ritual innovators, poets and liturgists as we share new work from our third anthology!

ADVOT@Ritualwell Open House

Facilitator: Adva Chattler

Program Type: ADVOT, Event, Free

Topic: creative writing, Jewish spirituality, Liturgy, Poetry, Writing


Join us for an open house to learn about ADVOT@Ritualwell, a creative home for poets, liturgists, ritual creators, songwriters, and other Jewish artists.


Reading and Writing the Mourner’s Kaddish

Facilitator: Rabbi Joshua Boettinger

Program Type: Event, Free

Topic: creative writing, Elul, healing, Kaddish, Mi Shebeirach, Mourners Kaddish, Mourning, prayer


Join us for a special Elul program where we get inside the structure of one of Judaism’s most powerful and enigmatic prayers, examining some of the context and history of this liturgy and then mapping and writing our own versions.


The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

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