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Two Women Marrying in the Tradition of Moses and Israel
By Rabbis Jaimee Shalhevet and Helayne Shalhevet
July 19, 2013
We wanted a traditional Jewish wedding, but, as two women, we weren’t a traditional Jewish couple. 
When the Finish Line Becomes a Milestone
By Emily Goldberg
May 29, 2013
The tassel on my graduation hat that upgrades me to “graduate” status fails to display the very core of my education: the journey.
Wisdom From On High
Rabbi Deborah Glanzberg-Krainin, Ph.D.
May 14, 2013
Shavuot has yet to capture the imagination of most liberal Jews. Why is that? 
Further Reflections on Closing an Apartment/Home After the Death of a Parent(s)
Rabbi Richard Hirsh
May 1, 2013
I first suggested a ritual for how we might use Jewish symbols and traditions when faced with closing up the home of a deceased parent shortly after the death of my mother in April 2001.
A Time for Time
By Andrea Moselle
April 22, 2013
When you have the potential for endless leisure, how do you create a satisfying balance of work and leisure? 
A Conversation With One in Mourning
By Rabbi Vivie Mayer
April 9, 2013
Rabbi Deborah Glanzberg-Krainin, Ph.D. interviewed her friend and colleague Rabbi Vivie Mayer about ritual mourning following her father’s death.
Don’t Take Freedom for Granted!
By Rabbi Deborah Glanzberg-Krainin, Ph.D.
March 22, 2013
We encourage Ritualwell readers to find their own ways of keeping freedom in their hearts this week.
This is Kaddish
By Rabbi Marjorie Berman
March 18, 2013
But what does it mean to honor our departed beloveds by remembering? For me, it means to give kavod, to let their lives have some weight in ours, so that we can be transformed.
Death is in the Details
By Rabbi Roni Handler
March 7, 2013
In the Jewish tradition we have prayers to mark many phases of the grieving process.  We find comfort when we recite El Maley Rachamim at the funeral, kaddish throughout the mourning period, and yizkor prayers at key moments throughout the year.  
By Rabbi Rachel Barenblat
February 26, 2013
Releasing my poems allowed me to offer love and care to other women who suffer miscarriage.

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