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Category: Choosing & Affirming a Jewish Life

Communal Acts of Private Intimacy: A Review of Trisha Arlin’s Place Yourself
By Alden Solovy
January 7, 2019
Like the liturgists of old, Arlin’s work troubles us where we are too comfortable and comforts us when we are troubled
Design Your Own Ritual with a Little Help from a Rabbi
By Rabbi Kami Knapp
August 2, 2017
Ritual helps us pay attention. From the joy of a recovery to the grief of a funeral, ritual helps us inhabit the breadth of human experience.
Constant Reimagining: Using the Mikveh as an Opportunity for Renewal
By Maharat Dasi Fruchter
December 25, 2015
She and I sat next to one another on a small wooden bench outside of the
On Being Jewish: What Do I Wear on My Head?
By Erika Davis
February 20, 2015
A few days ago while wasting a rainy Seattle day indoors, I flipped to E!, one of my guilty pleasure channels. The show Christina Milian Turned Up was on. It is not something I normally watch, but I was intrigued when Liz Milian, Christina’s younger sister, mentioned Judaism. She was preparing for the rabbi to come to her house to help her kasher the home she shares with her family.
On Being Jewish
By Erika Davis
January 29, 2015
If you ask any convert to Judaism, they will likely tell you that as daunting as the conversion process can sometimes be, actually being a Jew can be harder that becoming one.
By Erika Davis
December 1, 2014
An amazing thing happened a few days ago. I was enjoying my lunch in the break room of the retail store I help to manage when one of my colleagues came rushing into the room. “Erika!” he exclaimed, “Come here! Now!” I was annoyed because I was on my break and protested the entire way to the sales floor. “Look,” he said gesturing toward a corner of the floor. I looked and saw an admittedly cute blonde French bulldog, but only responded, “Cute dog.” “No,” he persisted. “Look.” He cocked his head sharply and again looked toward the corner.

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

Now more than ever, we need the guidance of our ancestors, and creative expression provides a wonderful path for connection.

Express your love and gratitude for those who have profoundly shaped your journey and  summon their wisdom into your own life.

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