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Prayer Upon Completing Creative Work

A person writing in a journal with a decorative pen, wearing rings and sitting outdoors.

O holy Mother Muse

If I were standing with you

I would leave the spigot onto wonder open
Offer up my separation.

I would wear a big Bucharan hat on my head

Signifying humility and respect
I would wrap myself in fringes
I would clutch the fringes to my heart-line.

I would ask is there G*d among us?

Until I believed there was G*d within
Or among or around until we felt G*d

Then I would speak to those

Sitting next to me right side left side

The names of my teachers inspirations influences
Who gave without resistance.

I would invoke their names
Until I felt myself a fountain overflowing –
The fountain I received from them
Would never go dry.

I might become
Such a fountain myself
Some day


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2 Responses

  1. A lovely prayer! But I am discouraged in that Reconstructing Judaism seems totally unwilling to (occasionally) add a new prayer to the service that reflects the thinking of its talented membership. It reconstructs everything but the service! I have talked to a few of the rabbis during symposiums, and they are too afraid. A sad state of affairs, that does not at all reflect Kaplan’s thinking or approach!

    1. Hi Andrea. I’m sorry to hear that you haven’t experienced Reconstructionist services where new prayers have been added. I know that new prayers are being added regularly to Reconstructionist services, as we hear from people who do this all the time (also, of course, beyond the Reconstructionist world). But there are many different congregations and rabbis, and we don’t often hear from folks who aren’t introducing innovative liturgy into services, as this is what Ritualwell is known for. Interesting to hear that! Please do direct people to Ritualwell, where they might be inspired to find new liturgy!

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