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El Maleh Rachamim for Yamim Noraim 5785 

a flock of birds flying across a blue sky
אל מלא רחמים 
God full of mercy,
Womb of the world,
In whom there is room enough
for all life to flourish
From whom there is blessing enough
For all life to be nourished –
We call out to You,
שוכן במרומים
You who dwell on High
Beyond the borders of loyalty and love
that make us human —
Hearing what we cannot
Holding what we cannot
Healing what we cannot —
Help us.
המצא מנוחה נכונה
תחת כנפי השכינה
Grant perfect rest
Beneath the wings of Your Presence
To the precious innocent souls —
Israeli and Palestinian,
Jewish and Muslim,
Christian, Bedouin, and Druze,
migrant workers from around the world —
Who have lost their lives
to the ravages of war
during this past year.
Shelter those who witnessed
unspeakable brutality
And whose walls could not protect them.
Carry those who were caught or cornered,
unable to escape
destruction, degradation, despair.
Lift up those who searched
for sustenance or safety,
longing for the embrace of home.
במעלות קדושים וטהורים
כזוהר הרקיע מזהירים
May those souls
who are with you now
be granted a glimpse of the world
as You see it —
shimmering everywhere
with the light of Your presence.
בגן עדן תהא מנוחתם
May they find rest and comfort
In Your holy Garden.
אנא בעל הרחמים
Please, O Master of Mercy
הסתיריהם בסתר כנפיך לעולמים
וצרור בצרור החיים את נשמותיהם
Hide them
beneath the cover of Your wings, forever,
And let their souls be bound up with ours,
Summoning us all to righteousness
And hope renewed.
יי הוא נחלתם
וינוחו בשלום על משכבם 
May Your unending love be their inheritance.
May their eternal resting place be Your peace.
And let us say: Amen.




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