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watercolor painting of a statue atop the corner of a building
Watercolor painting by Cathleen Cohen
In the museum garden lies
the limestone head of a bearded man,
salvage from an old hotel.
Is he an angel?
His gaze fixes on some point
or past desire.
He no longer guards the street
from a high lintel,
charming those who gaze up
at heavy-lidded eyes
and lips which part
to speak or sigh.
Leaves twine through his tendrils
I long to touch,
some pitted by storms,
by smoke and time.
What was the artist’s aim?
To say … Here I am
in this moment,
grasping a hammer,
chiseling the face of a god?
I picture gritty workrooms,
men hoisting stones,
locking patterns into place
until they crumble
and are torn down.
Now this sculpture is tangled
in roots and weeds.
I stroke his rough beard,
shaped like wind gusts.
He doesn’t flinch,
just surveys the sky

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