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Prayer for the Rain of Peace

a dove flys through trees
On Simchat Torah we prayed for rain:
Mashiv ha’ruach u’morid hageshem.
It fell as bombs and terror upon Medinat Yisrael.
It fell as tears from Am Yisrael.
It poured from all of us and our allies around the world.
We are drenched in sadness; in worry.
The earth is soaked in blood,
      the horror, the devastation, the tears continue.
Let us pray for rain again
      and let us be specific:
Holy One of Wholeness and Compassion,
May the rain that falls be gentle.
May the rain that falls be the rain of peace,
       shimmering, restorative, lasting peace that flows directly from You
Source of Love and All that Is.
Oseh shalom bimromav
Hu ya’aseh shalom aleinu
V’al kol Yisrael
V’al kol yoshvei tevel
V’imru: amen.
May the One who makes peace bring peace down upon all of Yisrael,
      the State of Israel-Medinat Yisrael,
      the People-Am Yisrael- living in our ancient homeland and all the places we reside,
upon Palestinian families who are endangered and suffering.
May your rain of peace fall upon this thirsty planet and upon all beings everywhere.
May the broken state of our hearts be mended, healed and nourished,
      and let us say:



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