We bless this store brand slice of dollar bread,
This cup of stale wine,
Upon this plastic folded table.
We give praise for our studio apartment,
A concrete sukkahLit. hut or booth A temporary hut constructed outdoors for use during Sukkot, the autumn harvest festival. Many Jews observe the mitzvah of living in the Sukkah for the week of Sukkot, including taking their meals and sleeping in the Sukkah. in a gentrified desert.
We give thanks for microwaved dinners,
And threadbare five dollar t-shirts:
Symbols of survival,
Souvenirs from our journey
Through the mitzrayimLit. Egypt. Because the Hebrew word for narrow is tzar, Mitzrayim is also understood as "narrowness," as in, the narrow and confining places in life from which one emerges physically and spiritually. of capitalism.
We hold gratitude for this night,
Amid the many shabbats spent behind cash registers and hot stoves,
When holiness was a luxury we could not afford.
We claim this time as ours,
This rest as resistance.