Focusing on justice and salvation rather than vengeance
Esther fasted and asked all the people to join her in her fast before she approached the king. Norma Josephs suggest we use Esther’s fast as an opportunity to collectively protest the injustice done to women unable to obtain a Jewish divorce (get).
Honoring modern-day “Esthers” who raise awareness of injustice and mobilize for action
In this revised tradition, we read aloud four Megillah verses highlighting Esther’s triumph alongside the customary four highlighting Mordechai’s role
When the Megillah is read publicly on Purim, four verses about Mordechai are read aloud by the congregation before the reader. The author explains the origin of this custom and suggests four additional verses to celebrate Esther’s heroism.
This essay explores the Purim story from a feminist perspective, and discusses Ma’yan’s new ritual of waving Esther/Vashti flags during the Megillah reading whenever the heroines’ names are mentioned.
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