We are here to dissolve dualities.
We are here to wrestle with the paradox.
We are here to expand.
We are here to add our Torah.
We are here to know darkness
In coming to know
What is The Light.
Praying at The Wall,
Rav Kook’s Four-Fold Song
Singing in my ear,
All notes most resonant
As melody melds
Deepest dark
With brightest Light;
As vibrations
Raise the mountain
Of Isaiah’s vision;
As every note
Gathers together,
In completion,
The Shalom of Echad.
Time is a construct.
Division is, too.
Teshuvah points the way
To the Temple Mount,
Wrapped safely
In those prayers
Of peace, sung by all,
That fit together
Like Russian dolls.
The Four-Fold Prayer,
The Four Levels of Spirit,
The Four Directions,
The Four Chambers of
The Heart.