According to the 13th-century, mystical Sefer Hazohar (The Book of Splendor):
“When you sit in the sukkah, the ‘canopy of faith,’ the Shekhinah, the Divine Presence, spreads Her wings over you … and ushpizin (righteous guests) join you as well. Rejoice each and every day of the festival together with these honored guests …”
The revived tradition is to invite the ushpizot: Sarah, Miriam Deborah, Avigail, Hannah, Huldah, and Esther along with the traditional ushpizin: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, and David to join you each night under your sukkah.
May your sukkah be filled with honored friends, beloved family, righteous guests, rejoicing, and peace.
Download and print a full-size version for your sukkah below.