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Unetanah Tokef 2024

Where else,
But in the heart
Of the Still Small Voice,
Can I meet
With those with whom
I disagree?
Where else,
But in the silence
Of all that is potential,
Can I rest my hope?
Where else,
But in the quiet
Of the argument of voices,
Can the truth be heard?
Where else,
But in the stillness
Of the litany
Of opposites,
Can I rest?
Where else,
But in the trauma
And the tragedy
Of my targeted ancestors
And contemporaries,
Can I find the reassurance
That the Jewish people will survive?
Where else,
But in the love,
The shalom
That is HaShem,
Can I find my comfort?
Where else
Can I stand
With my people
And dream of a future
When we all will be united?
What else,
But the silence of The Voice,
Can speak to me
In order that I may








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