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Tu B’Shvat Poem

A sunlit forest with tall trees and autumn leaves creating a warm, golden atmosphere.

Smells of rain on sidewalks,
Of sun soaking up water droplets
And evaporating them into wind,
Of atmospheric changes.

Visions of budding leaves
Here and there enlivening
The winter-scape which begins
Its fade into spring tide.
A glimpse of spring, a glimpse of
Happiness, playfulness, and joy
Peeking through the unfolding leaves
Of the flowering fruit trees.
Memories of a Jerusalem hillside
Like flowing floating yards and yards of
Swiss dotted fabric blooming into
A multitude of blossoming almond flowers.
With the tithing of the trees,
And the flowing of the sap,
With the lengthening of days,
Comes the celebration of life.

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