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The Numbers: A Tisha B’Av Lamentation

In sepia tones, trees reflected in a lake
You should say “rabbit” on the month’s first morning. Or bad luck will …
The first day of the year is for resolutions. Keep them for at least …
The seventh son of a seventh son is strange and fortunate, and will …
Marry in haste, repent at leisure. Wait six months …
Slow and steady wins the race. It’s not about winning or losing …
On the ninth day of the ninth month terrible things:
Espionage turned sour and cost the people forty years, grandfathers dying …
The Babylonians turned arson into a fine art against the First Temple and …
After all the Romans took from us, they had to go grab the Second …
Bar Kochba revolt failed. Jews of Betar butchered. England banished all the …
Spain did the same and Diaspora became …
Every letter a family lost. Every dot, a gust of tears. Every repeated grief …
Every fire, every stillbirth, every forced conversion …
In Ukraine, at Babi Yar, two days to murder the Jews of Kyiv.
Did you ever hear what happened to your great-grandmother in …
Making the desert bloom: First you have to take the salt out of …
For every grain of salt, a thousand tears.
Art by the poet

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