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Teshuvah: Recognizing Holiness

tree in shape of a heart
I was watching the gathering clouds and their shifting shadows on those familiar mountains for quite a while. I saw you, but it wasn’t until I turned and took a step that I could truly see you.With an intake of breath, my heart expanded in awe, re-cognizing yours, so perfectly formed. How many others had passed by without noticing? What if I had not turned that afternoon, had not taken a step? Gratitude awakened, witnessing this mirrored image of sacredness balanced on the mountainside.
You.             Me.             God.
             Standing as ONE in this single moment of grace.
I love this tree. I love remembering the feeling of awe that filled me when I looked through the viewfinder of my camera and realized that the branches and leaves grew into a perfect heart shape. But I didn’t see it right away; it took a while until I was standing in just the right position to be aware of what was in front of me the whole time. The form was there, the core essence of holiness was present all along, but I had to orient myself properly in order to recognize it. I think the same can be said for the holy essence that resides within each of us.

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