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Ten Commandments for Caregivers

one hand rests upon another person's hand in a comforting way
1. I surrender to now living a ‘new normal’ that is anything but normal!
2. I must surrender to the unknown and the unpredictable and be in the ‘now.’
3. I must relinquish all expectations, as nothing will ever be the same.
4. I must honor my new feelings – loss, sadness, fear, anger, and guilt.
5. I must have compassion for the one I care for and their new road of difficulty,
pain, trauma, dependency, and loss.
6. I must have compassion for myself as I navigate the new demands
and responsibility I undertake.
7. I must recognize the impact this new role can have –
exhaustion, stress, anxiety, PTSD and grief.
8. I must take care of, not only my loved one, but also ‘myself’ –
physically, emotional, and spiritually so I can sustain strength and resilience.
9. I must find appreciation and gratitude for moments of joy and pleasure, no matter how small.
10. I must discover my new bliss and create a life of meaning, productivity,
and life-fulfilling activity.

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