Shalom Bayit conducts an annual campaign, May Our Homes be a Shelter of Peace, during Sukkot and National Domestic Violence Awareness Month (October), to raise awareness about the plight of battered Jewish women. It urges all to “tie purple ribbons to your home or congregational sukkah to honor those who have experienced abuse or who do not dwell in peace and safety in their own homes,” reciting the following prayer or similar. Resource materials are available from the organization, Tel. (510) 451-8874.
We bless the Divine Presence,
Whose wings shelter us with peace.
Redeemer of Israel Who brought us out of Egypt,
on this festival of Sukkot our thoughts turn
to those who dwell in fear and danger in their own homes.
With compassion and an outstretched arm,
bring them forth into freedom,
and shelter them in Your sukkah of peace.