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Star Cousins

Vast desert landscape with rocky cliffs and distant hazy horizon under a pale sky.
Happy Ramadan to you, my cousin
May your people know peace
The sweet transition from fast to feast
Peace for my Muslim cousins
Is peace for my Jewish siblings
My love for my people
Spins and Weaves into
My love for your people.
Father Abraham looks,
But he cannot count the stars.
Still, he stands – awed
His feet – grounded
His face – seeking
Seeking us
He will be a father to nations
He will receive and bestow
Blessing upon blessing
G-d is choosing for us to be a family
We are the uncountable stars
May we shine
May we climb
Rung by rung
It is we who wobble
We who reach upward
Upward from Jacob’s ladder
Abraham’s grandson Jacob’s ladder
To wrestle and bless and embrace
To rest in meadows where tomorrow
We will dig and then drink
From our father’s wells
From waters that flow
From the Tree of Life
Our tree is soaked in sorrow
And bursting with fruit

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