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Shevat Guided Meditation

Hands holding a small green plant with soil, surrounded by leaves on the ground.
Read slowly, in a quiet voice, with enough time between images for people to integrate them and create their own responses.
Find yourself a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down; loosen any tight clothing. When you are comfortable, close your eyes (if you want) and take a long, deep breath from your belly, hold it a second, and let it go; do this a few more times.
Imagine yourself in a beautiful place, either one you have been to before, or one which you create in your mind. Take in all the sights, sounds, smells, and feelings of this special place.
As you are enjoying this place, someone very special is coming toward you – it could be a trusted friend, an angel, a teacher, someone who you consider full of wisdom. You greet each other, and they tell you they have brought you something you have been wanting. And you put out your hand to receive it, and it is a seed, a seed containing the essence of some special quality you have been wanting to cultivate.
Hold this seed in your hand …. What kind of energy do you feel? Does it feel familiar or new to you? Does the seed tell you something about yourself that you didn’t know?
Find a special place to plant this seed, a place with fertile soil, a place which you can easily return to. Dig a hole, just deep enough so the seed can easily sprout. Ask the Source of all Life for what this seed needs to grow and blossom into its fullness and wholeness.
And as you cover this seed with rich fertile soil, give yourself a blessing of how you desire its essence to blossom within you. Gently water this little seed, and bathe it with your love and caring.
How will you take care of this little seed? What does it need to sprout and grow? What kind of nurturing does it need? Are there friends you would like to ask to help you nurture it? What will this seed be like when it is mature? How will you be different?
Take a few minutes alone with your seed, and think about how you will nurture it and how you will blossom.

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