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Shekhinah’s Blessing: A Shiviti for the Omer

Close-up of wildflowers and tall grass in a sunlit meadow, with trees and a clear sky in the background.

Shivitis” are contemplative offerings inviting connection to the divine. Flowing from ancient teachings and transformed with gender-neutral/feminine language, these audio/video meditations can be used in prayer, invocation, ritual, and blessings. Best if played on “repeat.”

Omer Week 7: Malchut – Shekhinah – The Divine Feminine

Shekhinah is the vessel for the presence of the Divine in our world. In this shiviti I’ve the gleaned the essence of the “Priestly Blessing” (Numbers 6:24-26), reimagined in feminine language.

Shekhinah’s Blessing

May Shekhinah bless you and watch over you

May She light up to you

May She rise up to you

And may She bring you peace



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