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The Salve Which is Shabbat

Two lit candles, a bottle of wine, and two filled wine glasses on a decorated table.

It is a covenant as old as our people
A promise carried throughout the ages
“HaShem will keep those who keep Shabbat.”

And yet, today, we struggle to find peace of mind
We struggle to find the inner calm of Shabbat
We struggle to feel the love of the Shechina
We have gained solace in the arms of community
Coming together on Friday and Saturday
Sharing the prayers of one another
The humanity of joining together
Is now absent from our lives
Leaving us to yearn for the hugs and smiles
The salve of Shabbat remains despite social distancing
The words of the Shema still define our being
The lessons of Torah are still a Tree of Life
Though our world has been turned upside down
HaShem still provides Sukkat Shalom
The shelter and peace of the day of rest
Shabbat cares for us as we celebrate Shabbat
We care for Shabbat as it celebrates us
Shabbat is our connection to each other in all times.

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