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Question Collector for Passover

Camp JRF produced an activity book for families. Below is a ritual that is fun for the entire family and guaranteed to add fun to your seder/Passover season!

Passover and spring offer us an opportunity to reflect and think about all the things blossoming around us now and look forward to next year. At your seder, take some time with family and friends to answer the questions below, inspired by lines in the Haggadah in hopes of creating a rich and meaningful conversation around your table. Record your answers and store them with your Passover things to revisit your answers next year! 
“All hametz in my possession, whether I have seen it or not and whether I have removed it or not, shall be nullified and ownerless as the dust of the earth.”
Identify the spiritual and emotional hametz in your life. What are the behaviors, thoughts and practices that are no longer serving you?
What acts of tzedek (justice) and gemilut hasadim (acts of lovingkindness) have you witnessed or participated in this year? How would you like to recommit yourself toward tikkun olam (repair of the world) in this coming year? 
Avadim Hayinu—Once we were slaves; now we are free.”
On Passover we celebrate our freedom from slavery. At the same time we recognize all those who still struggle and yearn to be free. What stories do you want to raise up of those who are still enslaved or who are not yet free to be their full selves? 
Arami oved avi—My ancestor was a wandering Aramean.”

As we tell the story of Passover, we recognize that wandering has long been a part of our collective story, and that each of us—in every moment—are also on a journey. Look back on what has brought you to this moment. Where are you journeying toward and what do you need to sustain you for your journey?

Camp JRF is a joyful and welcoming Jewish youth community that transforms lives. We provide innovative, creative, and engaging programs for youth from across North America and the world. As an inclusive community, we welcome children from a wide range of family structures, religious practices, and socio-economic backgrounds. At the center of our Reconstructionist philosophy is a deep commitment to building a community in which we all are welcome to grow and thrive.



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