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Prayer for Those Yearning for a Child

Sunlight creating bokeh effect over dewy grass, with a warm and dreamy atmosphere.

This prayer was written for the bris of my first child after experiencing pregnancy loss. I felt it was important to acknowledge my fertility journey and simultaneously give voice to those who may be in attendance at our simkhah and still aching for a child of their own.

Source of Life and Love, as we welcome our baby into our community today, we thank You. We are beyond grateful for the hope and motivation You gave us as we kept trying for our little one. We thank You for our access to the medical, emotional and spiritual care that helped us make it to this day. 

We’re also thinking of those who still struggle for a child as we did. We pray that any couple or individuals yearning to conceive, carry, foster or adopt will lead to a joyful outcome and that their aching hearts will be soothed. May the vision of the Psalmist—hazorim b’dimah b’rinah yiktzoru, “those who reap with tears will [one day] sing with joy”—be realized for them soon. And, as You did for our ancestors who also yearned to have children, may You hear and take notice of them, when they call out.

Barukh atah adonai, ha-shomea et hamishtokekim u’fokdam.
Blessed are You, Adonai, who hears and takes notice of those who yearn. 

בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה’ הַשּׁוֹמֵעַ אֶת הַמִּשְׁתּוֹקְקִים וּפוֹקְדָם

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