A Prayer Before Studying

In Your magnanimous intent,

You, HaShem, have given us curiosity.

You have caused us to seek out deeper meaning.

You have gifted us with intellect.


As we begin this sacred practice of education:

Please guide our eyes to the words we need to see.

Guide our hands to find the passages of import.

Unlock our hearts to the truth hidden behind the words.

Allow our inner being to hear the music in the teachings.


בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה יהוה אֱלהֵינוּ מֶלֶךהָעולָם 

 אֲשֶׁר קִדְּשָנוּ בְּמִצְותָיו וְצִוָּנוּ לַעֲסק  בְּדִבְרֵי לְמִידָה


Barukh atah, Adonai Eloheinu, melekh haolam, asher kidshanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu la/asok b’divrei l’midah.

Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Sovereign of all, who hallows us with mitzvot, commanding us to engage with words of learning.

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