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Prayer for Lighting the Shiva Candle

A single lit candle against a dark background.

(To be lit when one returns home following the funeral.)

Almighty God, Master of Mercy, the One who heals broken hearts, I cry out to You. My heart aches with the pain of my loss. I light this candle to bring light and Your presence back into my home, a home that seems so devoid of light.

Master of Mercy, I know that the soul is eternal and can never be extinguished. The soul of my __________ survives because it is stronger than death. The goodness, the righteous deeds, the wisdom that my _________ gave to me will always remain within me. It will have a permanent imprint upon my soul that can never be erased. And it will continue to guide me wherever I go.

There are people who think that heaven is a place far-off, but perhaps heaven is much closer than I once thought; heaven is in my heart and my memory of ________. I pray that ________ is silently watching over me and sheltering me and will guide my steps in this world. I believe that, just as You are surrounding me, so you are surrounded by all my loved ones who have preceded __________ into the Olum Haba, the World which follows this earthly life.

O, Compassionate One, bless me and my family and inspire us with Your goodness and righteousness in the days to come. Shatter not my faith in You and never allow me to forget the memories of my dear ___________. Grant me the courage to endure what cannot be escaped and help me to go on without bitterness and despair. May ___________ live forever in my heart. And shelter my beloved under the wings of Your divine presence, for now into eternity. AMEN.

בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה אֲדֹנָי אֲשֶׁר בְּיָדוֹ נֶפֶשׁ כֹּל חַי וְרוּחַ כֹּל בָּשָׂר אִישׁ ​
Ba-rukh Ata Ado-nai, A-sher B’ya-do Ne-fesh Kol-Khai, v’Ru-akh Kol B’sar Ish.

Holy One of Blessing, in Your hands are all souls and the spirits of all flesh. AMEN.


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