Divine Presence, we delight in Your world and in the many blessings and gifts we encounter throughout our lives: love and connection, joy, hope, celebration, and the very gift of our lives. Yet, Your world is imperfect. It is also filled with illness, pain, suffering, and tragedy. As those in need of healing turn to this hospital for help we reach out to You.
God, the source of wisdom and skill, we ask that you join with us in caring for those who are ill. The human body is a mystery, created in Your image; as an echo of Your creative capacity, may the work of the nurses, doctors, therapists be undertaken with wisdom, expertise, and compassion bringing a measure of healing to ailing bodies. May the support teams’ and ancillary staff’s attention to additional needs of those within our care bring a measure of comfort to our patients and those who love them.
And when, for whatever reason, our interventions do not bring the recovery we desire, God, we humbly seek Your presence in all our lives as a source of compassion and comfort as we may turn to You in sadness and perhaps even anger; may we have the courage to continue to seek You and Your ever-present love.
May this be Your will.