Eloheinu v’Elohei Avoteinu, Our God and God of our Ancestors,
again, alas, our differences dissolve.
Adonai Echad, The God of Unity,
we come together in crisis and covenant.
Ro’eh Yisrael, Shepherd of IsraelLit. ''the one who struggles with God.'' Israel means many things. It is first used with reference to Jacob, whose name is changed to Israel (Genesis 32:29), the one who struggles with God. Jacob's children, the Jewish people, become B'nai Israel, the children of Israel. The name also refers to the land of Israel and the State of Israel.,
your flock has been culled.
ShekhinahThe feminine name of God, expounded upon in the rabbinic era and then by the Kabbalists in extensive literature on the feminine attributes of the divine., divine presence,
You’ve been exiled, Your presence diminished.
Magen AvrahamAbraham is the first patriarch and the father of the Jewish people. He is the husband of Sarah and the father of Isaac and Ishmael. God's covenant - that we will be a great people and inherit the land of Israel - begins with Abraham and is marked by his circumcision, the first in Jewish history. His Hebrew name is Avraham., Shield of Abraham,
give us the strength to protect ourselves.
HaMakom, the Place of God,
our place, we have no other.
HaRakhaman, Merciful One,
how can death and devastation be anything but merciless?
Avinu she’beshamayim, Our Father in Heaven,
how can war, raining ruin on Your children, be a mitzvahLit. Commandment. It is traditionally held that there are 613 mitzvot (plural) in Judaism, both postive commandments (mandating actions) and negative commandments (prohibiting actions). Mitzvah has also become colloquially assumed to mean the idea of a “good deed."?
Adonai Tzva’ot, Lord of Armies–not Hosts,
there is a time for war.
We must beat their swords into ploughshares,
their spears into pruning hooks.
Pokeakh Ivrim, the Giver of Vision,
may this reveal to all that for the wicked,
our crime is not what we do, but who we are,
not our policies, but our presence.
Tzur Yisrael, Rock of Israel,
may our devotion remain steadfast.
Israel’s defenders require arms and voices.
may we persevere in providing arms and lifting our voices against all evil doers.
Shomer Yisrael, The Guardian of Israel; Go’el Yisrael, The Redeemer of Israel,
great is peace, for the name of the Blessed Holy One is “Peace.”
Spread over us the shelter of your Peace,
over us, over all your people Israel, and over Yerushalayim.