As we cross through the waters hand in hand
I am linked to my cousins, my family, my friends.
With sisters beside me we trudge our way through,
My father before us guides our every step,
While mother behind us nourishes our way,
As we cross through the waters hand in hand.
As we pass through our history word by word
I am linked to my ancestors: avot v’imahot.
With Israelites all around, our story we tell,
Moses leads us to cross through watery walls,
Miriam dances us with reverent celebration,
As we pass through our history word by word.
As we talk through our story moment by moment
I sit quietly knowing not what to ask,
My sisters abundantly question our tale,
My parents are anxious to get to the meal,
My cousins simply sit yawning the seconds away,
As we talk through our story moment by moment.
As we gather to share in our story’s retelling
I am linked to my cousins, my family, my friends.
With sisters beside me we talk our way through,
My father before us guides our every step,
While mother behind us nourishes our way,
As we gather to share in our story’s retelling.