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A Personal Dayenu

I created this personal affirmation based off the Dayenu prayer found in the Haggadah. It celebrates my own personal freedom and celebrates that the Eternal Source that some call God accepts me just as I am.

If you would have not guided me to stand up for a Just Society recognizing the harmony of your unity.

Dayenu—It would have been enough!

And smashing those moments where I worshiped aspects of your transcendental Oneness instead of the unity itself.
Dayenu—It would have been enough!

And causing me to notice the greatest parts of the harvest of my life, those positive middot of the soul of kindness, Justice, and Shalom.
Dayenu—It would have been enough!

If you had not parted those waters of fear that well up in my life at times.

Dayenu—It would have been enough!

If you had not made my humanity a letter in that weighty scroll that myself and others are writing daily called Torah.

Dayenu—It would have been enough!

If you had not recognized my struggle in accepting myself for who I am, in all my bravery and unbridled hope, causing me to find that Zion within myself.
Dayenu—It would have been enough!

If you had not strengthened me through tikkun, your divine service, I would not be able to share in building the ramparts of that temple of a better society around me.

Dayenu—It would have been enough!

Dayenu, dayenu, dayeinu! It would have been enough, but through this you remind me I am enough. I am of value, and I AM FREE!!!





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