A Prelude to the Aleinu – It Is Upon Us

This new text is a collective recitation of the commitments of the Reconstructionist Reparations Resolution.
In An Act of Teshuvah

“I raise my voice
In the song of prayer…”
A Prayer for School Shootings

“May the One who makes peace in the heavens / Bring peace to us, to our children, / To our communities,
And to this broken world.”
A Prayer of Thanks After Your Child’s B’nei Mitzvah When You’re Divorced

Our family, so shattered, so seemingly broken, was given new life today.
Family Portrait

The painting is for grandparents, miles away, / who long for them…”
L’Dor V’Dor

“How do we know what will outlive us? / We all want to be remembered
our lives to count for something…”
The Light Which Doesn’t Fade

“Each night is a small miracle unto itself…”
Dinah’s Voice

“Your story is not over; your life is larger than this. / We’re listening.”
In Preparation

Standing before the promise Of another soul When intention aligns With the prayers of Shabbat, My neshama, palpably, Begins to open. What […]
HaMakom: Vayeitzei

“Feeling the stone rolling off the well, / I welcome / This new day.”