The Eighth Candle

“I see reflected in the light
the faces of my family. / I see hope.”

“Dayenu. We sing now for as long as we can.”
A Light Eternal

“The story’s flame, its lesson bold:
Through vast trials, the soul can soar / and the light will shine forevermore.”
A Prayer for Hanukkah as We Enter a Time of Resistance

“May we protect just laws, and may our resistance to unjust laws or unjust systems be firm.”
The First Friday Afternoon (An Asher Yatzar Alternative)

“Blessed are You, Hashem, Healer of all flesh, Worker of wonders.”
Tell me

“We are here together. We survived the rain together. / It was not a deluge and no trees fell…”Â
Frying a Soulful Latke

Listen to Karen Webber’s ‘Frying a Soulful Latke,’ a Hanukkah poem from her series ‘Enkindle.’
Innocence knows the Joy at Hanukkah

“As the candles descend / we are reminded / that nothing is /permanent / other than the Love of Hashem…”
Peace – Shalom

“Peace does not look like a dove / or a palm branch in the Old City…”Â
Shiva Handwashing for Estranged Relations

An important new ritual for this sensitive shiva experience.