Shabbat Morning, the Day Before the Hostage Release

“There are mystical colors spelling

“We will come together, as we always do, to make fire holy in our lives again.”

“Embers of fire
Destroy their path / But carry / shattered vessels of holiness…”
A Kavannah and Blessing for Remaining Seated During the Amidah

“whether we sit, rise, bow, or sway,
the Divine perceives the murmurs of our hearts”
A Prayer for Wolves

This is a prayer to say when you see a wolf, hear a wolf, or, simply, are thinking about wolves.
Hazan et HaOlam: A Ritual for Starting Solids

This ritual frames starting solid foods as a time honor the sacredness of nourishment.
Prayer for Los Angeles and the World

A new prayer for those suffering in the Los Angeles area.
Through the Flames

“To build again with love and grace
and heal this wounded, sacred space.”

“Even in the ecosystem of things created by humans there remains the promise of Sovereignty…”
New Puppy

It’s only when you stop,
panting and dusty,
that you notice the way the light
turns golden as it touches the ground…”