
I’ve got so much stuff on my mind (on my mind) I’ve got so much stuff in my soul (in my soul) I’ve got so much stuff in my heart […]
Beyond V’Ahavta

Joanie Calem shares music about disability inclusion.
Mishaneh HaBri’ot

“What a world, what a world, full of every kind of thinking / Where we were never even meant to be the same….”
Shema: Peace, like Breath

“Breathe. I command myself to focus on the words Shema Yisrael…”
Mikveh: A Journey of Becoming

“I feel whole for having finally embraced / those living waters and
the Jewish people and / myself.”
Kol Isha, Shira Isha

Kol Isha, Shira Isha – We are the Daughters — For the celebration International Women’s Day Thousands of years ago there were the mothers. Sarah, Rivka, Rachel and Leah. Wandering […]
G-d’s not hidden in the Purim story–She’s there!

A teaching about how G-d/Shekhinah is present in the Purim story through Her human partners, Queens Vashti and Esther.
The Face of a Flower

“There is holiness / in the face of a flower…”
A Ritual For Coming Out As Bisexual

An affirmative, creative ritual for coming out to a community.
Miriam’s Sister’s Song

“Make room beyond the river for my sister, who / is singing Miriam’s song…”