Once We Were Slaves In Egypt

“There is a time to make war, / there is a time to make peace. / In each soul both sing.”
Listen to the tune hardest to hear.
Sarah’s Soliloquy

This powerful poem takes us into Sarah’s inner world.
Modah Ani: Another Dawn

“Modah Ani. I have been granted
another dawn to reject despair…”

“We’ve escaped Chicago’s winter
glad to take in Tucson Sun / as he paints the mountains / in unending displays of shapes…”
Turning Point: A Poem for Ma’ariv Aravim

“And the darkness of evening becomes the light of Shabbat…”
The Shape of Holiness

“Instead of color and shape and symbols or frame / I ponder what is holy…”
How You Will Fledge

“I, my child, / will never tire / of bringing you / morning worm…”
Crown of Esther: A New Ritual for Purim

This Purim ritual centers on Queen Esther’s strengths and characteristics.
Jocheved, After

“The child / had suckled my breast, but / would call another mother.”
Deep Night

“Each breath a prayer. Each breath a Hope.”