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Mishaneh HaBri’ot

swirling colors of a galaxy

“What a world, what a world, full of every kind of thinking / Where we were never even meant to be the same….”

Shema: Peace, like Breath

a woman spreads open her arms to the sky. She is standing ina. field

“Breathe. I command myself to focus on the words Shema Yisrael…”

Kol Isha, Shira Isha

an older hand and younger hand embracing

Kol Isha, Shira Isha – We are the Daughters — For the celebration International Women’s Day Thousands of years ago there were the mothers. SarahThe first matriarch, wife of Abraham, […]

G-d’s not hidden in the Purim story–She’s there!

a Purim crown

A teaching about how G-d/Shekhinah is present in the Purim story through Her human partners, Queens Vashti and Esther.

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

Our special Resilience Boost package includes curated resources of poetry and prayers to turn to for strength and support and (optional) weekly meditations for hope and equanimity arriving to you by text or email each Tuesday through the election season.

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The Reconstructionist Network